On April 30, 2023, we will no longer be supporting the accounting software for Lendio. Please review our FAQ’s for questions to assist with the transition.

Unlock data-powered insights for your business.

Our financial forecast platform allows you to manage everything from invoicing and payments, to projecting your cash flow trends using your everyday business transactions.

Screenshot of Lendio Small Business Solutions dashboard

How It Works

Create an account

Answer a few, simple questions about your business to get started.

Connect your bank

Automatically import expenses and income, for real-time reporting you can act on.

Send your first invoice

Create custom branded invoices in a snap.

Free accounting software customized for your small business

Easily match and categorize expenses

Simply link your bank to start reconciling your accounts.

Have the data to make the best business decisions

Easy to read and accurate profit and loss statement and balance sheet.

Make tax season a breeze

It’s as easy as handing over your up to date books to your accountant.

Screenshot of Lendio accounting software

Invoicing made free and simple

Get your money faster with WePay powered by Chase

Accept credit cards and bank transfers and get your funds faster.

Customize your invoice to fit your brand

Add branding elements to your invoices and estimates for a professional look.

Get paid on time, every time with automatic payments

Create recurring invoices and your customer can opt into automatic payments when you use WePay.

Screenshot of Lendio invoicing software

Small Business Financing

Stay on top of your books to increase your funding options through Lendio.*


Apply in just 15 minutes with 1 simple application.


Compare your business loan options from 75+ lenders.


Get the capital you need in as little as 24 hours.

*Funding is subject to additional terms and conditions and final approval from business financing provider.

Apply for Financing