Check out how your email subject line scores based on factors such as readability, personalization, length, and sentiment. Use the insights and suggestions mentioned in the results below to enhance your subject lines for a higher CTR.
Color Code Denotes: Red = Bad | Orange = Ok, needs to improve | Green = Good
Subject lines that include good/positive words get more clicks and open.
Your subject line is too light on words. Try increasing the length of your subject line by a couple of words.
Your subject line is too short. Try increasing the number of characters to get more click-throughs.
Subject lines written in the case get maximum opens.
Subject lines that include a number or a question get more email opens.
Most marketers don't involve emojis in their subject lines. Adding one improves your chances for a better open rate.
Try to include the recipient’s or company’s name in your subject line to increase the open rate.
See the preview of your email subject line on different screens to identify what it lacks.