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Best Hashtags for the Wedding Industry: The Only List You’ll Need

When it comes to the best hashtags for the wedding industry, people usually think about those cute, punny, sometimes cheesy wedding hashtags that couples come up with for their invitations and ceremonies.

You may have come across such custom hashtags that people make such as #WifeBeginsAt40,” “#GoodGirlGoneBoyd,” and “#TheUnitedStuarts.” These are the ones that you may hate, yet you might also love them. But while those couple catchphrases are indeed catchy, they’re not the only wedding hashtags that are trending and useful for wedding posts.

Hashtags have become a valuable tool for businesses and vendors who are looking to attract new customers, grow their online presence, and increase their social media traffic.

If you’re a supplier or vendor in the wedding industry, popular Instagram hashtags are one of the best ways to get your content and products in front of the right people (those grooms and brides-to-be).

And how exactly can the best wedding hashtags help do that?

Let’s find out.

Disclaimer: This content contains some affiliate links for which we will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). This is to ensure that we can keep creating free content for you.

Why Are Instagram Hashtags So Useful for Suppliers in the Wedding Industry?

When you use a hashtag in an ad or a photo post on social media, you’re essentially flagging that your content is related to the topic of that hashtag. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook will then use that hashtag to filter the audience and put your content in front of users who follow that specific hashtag and other Instagram hashtags similar to it.

Also, what makes Instagram hashtags so useful for the wedding industry is that they allow your posts to reach potential customers beyond just your follower base.

Given that social media is such a popular place for wedding inspiration and commerce, you can see a lot of success if you include the best hashtags for the wedding industry in your posts every day.

That said, let’s take a look at how you can use these Instagram hashtags in the right manner to get the best results.

How Should You Use Wedding Hashtags on Instagram?

Using a hashtag is easy. When you create your Instagram posts, you can simply add your selected hashtags to the caption or the comments of your posts.

On Instagram, you can use up to 30 hashtags on a post (including those in your comment), and up to 10 hashtags on a Story. However, in general, people tend to use fewer but more specific Instagram hashtags as using too many hashtags can come across as spammy.

You’ll want to do some testing to find out how many Instagram hashtags work the best for brands from the wedding industry. Take some time researching and compiling data on what works best for your brand.

The key is to make sure you’re using Instagram hashtags that are relevant to your audience and the nature of your business.

Image via Instagram

While using hashtags is pretty straightforward, finding the best Instagram hashtags to use for a particular industry is a bit more complicated. You want to toe the line between general and specific hashtags so that you’re not only reaching the maximum number of people possible, but also reaching those who might actually be interested in your posts, products, and services.

For example, the hashtag, “#wedding,” might have more followers than the hashtag, “#WeddingDresses,” but if you’re a wedding dress vendor, then you’ll likely reach more potential customers by using the hashtag, “#WeddingDresses,” in your posts.

So, what should you do?

When you search a hashtag for the wedding industry on Instagram or Twitter, you’ll be able to see how many followers it has. It’s worth taking some time to brainstorm and create a list of potential hashtags for the wedding industry and figure out which ones might be the most useful for your posts. This can take time, though, so we’ve got your back.

We’ve compiled a list of the best hashtags for the wedding industry to help you get started.

The Best Hashtags for the Wedding Industry

We’ve compiled a list of the best hashtags for the wedding industry to make it easier for you to use them in your posts to build an engaged social community of potential customers.

1. General Wedding Hashtags

General wedding hashtags are the tags you’ll use to connect with a broad audience comprised of potential customers. These tags focus on the concepts surrounding marriage and weddings, from “Wedding Days” to “Love” and even “Engagement.”

While a handful of these tags might appear in virtually all of your Instagram posts, they’re particularly useful for driving attention to your products or services in an “inspiration” post. For instance, you might use tags like #Bride, #Love, and #Engaged to highlight the latest veil you’ve added to your collection.

As you can imagine, the broad reach of general wedding hashtags can allow you to reach a wide range of customers, but they’re also hard to compete for. We’d recommend combining your general wedding hashtags with more specific hashtags unique to your audience and niche.

For instance, _TTLPhotography_ used simple terms like #Bridal and #Wedding alongside branded hashtags #TTLPhotography, and more specific terms like #Preweddingevent, in the post below.

Image via Instagram

Here are some great general wedding hashtags to try:

#Wedding #Love #Marriage #Bride #WeddingInspiration #WeddingDay #WeddingPlanner #Weddings #WeddingIdeas #Engaged #Engagement #NewlyWeds #WeddingRing #WeddingParty

(You can also get the best custom Instagram hashtags made by creative minds using services like Wedding Hashers.)

2. Wedding Planner Hashtags

Wedding planner hashtags are some of the most valuable tags you can use as a wedding planner or wedding goods supplier. If you’re trying to draw attention to your specialist skills in creating stunning wedding environments, there’s a good chance you’ll use at least a handful of these hashtags.

Like the general wedding hashtags, some wedding planner tags like #EventPlanner or #WeddingPlanner are difficult to compete for. So it’s best to add some custom tags into the mix, when using such competitive hashtags.

The content you highlight with these tags should showcase your skills as a wedding planner in a unique way. You might highlight how you’ve laid out a beautiful set of tables for previous clients.

Using the #WeddingPlanner tag can also be a great way to attract planners who need to find suppliers.

This Instagram image from @Luxe_Linen immediately gives wedding planners a number of valuable contacts to reach out to for help with all of their supplier needs. There’s also a host of great hashtags to help attract planners looking for specific supplies.

Image via Instagram

Here are some wonderful wedding planner hashtags:

#WeddingPlanner #WeddingPlanning #WeddingDecor #WeddingStyle #WeddingOrganizer #WeddingInspo #WeddingDesign #PartyPlanner #EventPlanner #PreWedding

3. Wedding Venue Hashtags

Wedding venue hashtags are the perfect way to capture the attention of wedding planners, organizers, and brides or grooms to be.

The venue is one of the most important things one has to choose when creating the wedding of their dreams. As a highly visual platform, Instagram is an excellent place to go looking for inspiration.

To make the most out of your wedding venue hashtags, you’ll need a combination of general tags like #Venue, or #DestinationWedding. However, it’s also important to draw attention to the theme of your venue.

Getting specific with terms like #BarnWedding or #GardenWedding will help you to reach a wider audience and generate more qualified leads for your business. Add some geolocation tags to your venue-related posts to inform people exactly where your venue is so they can determine whether it’s suitable for them.

In this post by Villa_Catignano, the villa highlights it’s beautiful outdoor environment as the ideal wedding inspiration. Aside from reaching out to #WeddingPlanners with their hashtags, the company also gives an idea of the location, wth tags like #DestinationWedding, and #WeddingTuscany.

Image via Instagram

Here are some valuable wedding venue hashtags: 

#WeddingVenue #DestinationWedding #Venue #BarnWedding #GardenWedding #BeachWedding #OutdoorWedding #WeddingCeremony #LuxuryWedding #WeddingReception #WeddingSeason

(Get your customized Instagram hashtag today! Contact Wedding Hashers now.)

4. Wedding Photographer Hashtags

Wedding photographer hashtags are useful as they can attract both wedding photographers looking for supplies and brides/grooms.

A wedding photographer is crucial to creating lasting memories of a stunning wedding. Since most people want to see samples before hiring a photographer, it makes sense for them to start the search on a platform like Instagram.

With wedding photography hashtags, you can highlight your skills and expertise as a photographer, as well as the kinds of shoots you’re willing to do, like #PreWeddingShoot.

It’s a great idea to highlight some specific niche elements to your photography within your content, such as #LGBTQWedding or #DestinationWedding.

You can even add geographical elements to your wedding photography hashtags with things like #ItalyPhotographer, so your potential customers know where they can find you.

Image via Instagram

Here are some powerful wedding photography hashtags:

#WeddingPhotographer #WeddingPhotography #WeddingVideo #FilmPhotography #Photographer #WeddingPictures #PreWeddingShoot #PreWeddingPhotography #WeddingPhoto #EngagementPhotos

5. Wedding Dessert Hashtags

For some, wedding desserts are just a small part of what makes their wedding day so sweet. For others, the wedding cake is a huge component of the day’s festivities. There’s something amazing about cutting the perfect slice of cake from a stunningly-designed creation.

Wedding dessert hashtags are often used to provide inspiration to wedding planners and engaged couples. These tags are ideal for bakers who want to draw attention to the kind of cakes they can make for special occasions.

You can also use more generalized hashtags like #CakeArt and #CustomCakes to attract the attention of people looking for all kinds of unique desserts.

@CakesbySejal draws attention to one of their most popular wedding designs with a host of helpful hashtags, including a branded tag.

Image via Instagram

Here are some dreamy wedding dessert hashtags:

#WeddingCakes #WeddingDesserts #Cakes #CakeDecorating #CakeDesigner #CakesOfInstagram #Cakestagram #CustomCakes #CakeArt #DessertPorn #Dessert #DessertTable

6. Wedding Decor Hashtags

Wedding décor adds the finishing touches to an already beautiful celebration. With hashtags focusing on wedding décor, you can showcase your collection of unique sashes, chair coverings, and other elements used to transform a wedding venue.

As people define the term “wedding décor” differently, you can use these hashtags to reach out to people looking for their own unique sense of wedding style. This means you can connect with customers in search of makeup, hairstyle, or even fashion products/services.

The flexibility of these hashtags makes them appealing to a wide range of wedding suppliers. Check out how @Somethingnewbridalbox draws attention to their wedding backdrop with a #weddingdetails hashtag and a range of more niche tags.

Image via Instagram

Here are some brilliant wedding décor hashtags: 

#WeddingDress #WeddingStyle #WeddingDecor #WeddingDetails #WeddingDecoration #WeddingFlowers #WeddingHair #WeddingMakeUp #WeddingFashion #WeddingInvitations

How to Create Your Own Wedding Industry-Related Hashtag

Using common, generic Instagram hashtags like the ones mentioned above can be extremely useful for reaching audiences and marketing your brand. You can generate brand awareness and build your online following if you copy and paste these Instagram hashtags to your social media posts.

However, the downside of using the best Instagram hashtags for your business in the wedding industry is that they are generic and highly trending. As a result, your posts might get diluted in a sea of other similar posts that are using the same Instagram hashtags. One of the major reasons for this may be that they’re extremely popular.

That’s why the best bet is to create your own hashtag for posts related to weddings.

Creating your own catchy hashtag can be a great tool for promoting your products and services in the industry. You can also take your branding to the next level by including your brand’s name in the hashtag you create.

Perhaps your hashtag will be catchy and memorable enough for people to use it on their own. Or, you can get your loyal customers to use it in their posts when they share a photo related to your brand.

Encouraging customers to include your branded hashtag in their posts will help you build awareness about your products and services. You can also repurpose the content posted by other users on your website and social media posts.

Another way to make your hashtag trend is to have influencers use it in their posts.

Now the question is:

How can you create a branded hashtag for your business in the wedding industry?

Creating a hashtag is easy. Any word or phrase can become a hashtag once you put the hash (#) symbol in front of it. But coming up with something snappy and clever can take some time.

Using rhyming, alliteration, and puns is a good strategy to create a hashtag that is memorable and can catch users’ attention. The best practice is to keep your hashtag short and straightforward so that it is easy to remember.

Whatever hashtag you come up with, ensure that it’s consistent with your brand’s voice and messaging. Much like a couple’s wedding hashtag, your business hashtag is meant to reflect the nature and values of your business. Make sure that it resonates with the rest of your website copy, products, services, and social media posts.

But what if you can’t come up with a branded hashtag yourself?

In such a case, here’s how to create a branded hashtag related to your industry:

Use a Wedding Hashtag Writing Service

If you’re finding it difficult to come up with your own hashtag, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. There are professional hashtag writers out there who can help you come up with the best Instagram hashtags for your business in the wedding industry.

Check out Wedding Hashers, the largest network of professional wedding hashtag writers in the industry. They’ll work with you to come up with the best Instagram hashtags to market your wedding services and products.

Image via Wedding Hashers

Use a Free Wedding Hashtag Generator

If you’re committed to creating a hashtag on your own or you don’t want to spend money on a professional service, you can also use a free online hashtag generator.

While these generators will likely come up with Instagram hashtags that are a bit more generic, they can still give you the inspiration you need to get your creative hashtag juices flowing.

Check out this free wedding hashtag generator for starters. All you have to do is fill out the names of the bride and the groom and the tool will provide the best custom hashtags for the couple.

Image via Wedding Hashers


Do you still have some questions about using wedding hashtags? Let’s see if we can answer them.

Q1. How do you make a unique wedding hashtag?

A. As a wedding supplier, the best way to make a unique wedding hashtag is to use the name of your business in the hashtag. You can also use your location to attract the attention of people looking specifically for wedding content in your area.

When creating a unique wedding hashtag, make sure it’s easy to spell and remember. If you’re using your brand name, remove any spaces or symbols.

Also, don’t forget to tell your clients to use your branded hashtag whenever they’re talking about your products or services on Instagram. This is a great way to spread awareness about your business with user-generated content.

Q2. What hashtags are brides searching?

A. Just as the trends surrounding weddings can change from one day to the next, the hashtags brides and grooms are searching for change frequently. We recommend keeping an eye on the tags your competitors are using to see what kind of hashtags are trending.

The most common hashtags searched for by brides are usually the most generic ones, such as:

  • #Wedding
  • #Bride
  • #WeddingDay
  • #WeddingPhotography
  • #WeddingInspiration
  • #InstaWedding
  • #WeddingDresss

Q3. How do I find the best hashtags for my business?

A. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing the best hashtags for your business. A good way to get started is to do some competitor research. Find out what hashtags other brands in your industry are using for their most engaging posts.

It’s also worth looking at the kinds of hashtags your consumers and industry influencers are using, as this helps you discover tags you haven’t considered before.

Since you’re likely to serve a specific target audience as a wedding supplier, infusing your hashtags with a combination of general tags (to attract a wider audience), location tags (to reach people in a certain area), and niche tags (to find customers with unique needs) is usually a good idea.

It’s also helpful to create your own branded hashtags where possible. Branded hashtags help spread awareness about your brand and generate more user-generated content.

Q4. How do I promote my wedding business on Instagram?

A. Instagram is one of the best places to promote a wedding business because a lot of people use it for wedding inspiration. To promote your company on Instagram, you’ll need the following things:

  • Stunning, eye-catching photos that highlight your brand’s personality.
  • A consistent content posting schedule to keep your feed updated with new photos.
  • Different types of content, such as stories, videos, and pictures, to engage a wider audience.
  • Hashtags to help you reach and engage the right audience.
  • Engaging captions that inspire your target audience and encourage them to interact with your brand through call-to-action statements.

It’s also worth looking into ways to boost your marketing results with Instagram influencer marketing and paid Instagram ads. Combining paid and organic campaigns can significantly increase your reach.

Conclusion: #GrowYourWeddingBusiness with Powerful Hashtags

Using the best Instagram hashtags for the wedding industry in your posts can be a great way to grow your business. It can especially be helpful when the wedding season rolls in.

Whether you use the best Instagram hashtags for the wedding industry that have large followings or create your own branded hashtag (or use both!), hashtags are a simple and easy way to reach more brides, grooms, and newlyweds.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go ahead and start creating the best wedding hashtags with the creative minds at Wedding Hashers. Or, use their free tool.

Do you have questions about creating and using hashtags to promote your business related to the wedding industry? Ask them in the comments below.

Disclaimer: This content contains some affiliate links for which we will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). This is to ensure that we can keep creating free content for you.

Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav Sharma is the Founder and CEO of Attrock, a results-driven digital marketing company. Grew an agency from 5-figure to 7-figure revenue in just two years | 10X leads | 2.8X conversions | 300K organic monthly traffic | 5K keywords on page 1. He also contributes to top publications like HuffPost, Adweek, Business2Community, TechCrunch, and more.

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