The Best Image Compression Tool - TinyImage
Easily compress your PNG and JPG images online for free. Our image compression tool, TinyImage, reduces your file size without compromising the image quality.
And, it’s super easy to use!
Just select the PNG and/or JPG/JPEG files you want to compress and download their compressed versions after quick optimization.
Our Tool Saved You
% (-)Features & Contributions

Why Should You Choose Our Image Compression Tool?
With so many tools available in the market, what makes TinyImage - our image compression tool worth trying? Our online image optimizer compresses your photos and images for free, retains image quality, and displays file size comparison and compression levels like a pro.

How to Compress an Image with TinyImage

Select the image or
images you want to

Drag and drop them to the “+Select” section of our image compression tool.

Click on “Download All Images” to download the compressed images.
How to Compress an image?

Select the image or images you want to compress.

Drag and drop them to the “+Select” section of our image compression tool.

Click on “Download All Images” to download the compressed images.
It’s easy to compress your photos, right?
However, the free version of our image compression tool, TinyImage, only allows you to compress up to ten images (max. 25 MB each). You can request access to an unlimited and bulk image compression plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is the best way to compress images?
A. The best way to compress images is to use a browser-based image optimizer like our image compression tool - TinyImage. You can access its web interface from anywhere, anytime. All you need is a decent internet connection to use this image optimizer.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Just drag and drop images to TinyImage - our image compression tool.
- The tool will start compressing them automatically.
- It will also showcase the original size, new size, and compression level of your images.

- Once the image processing gets completed, click on the “Download All Images” button to save your compressed images.
Q2. How can I compress an image to 20 KB?
A. You can drag and drop your image to TinyImage - our image compression tool, get it compressed, and download it. If the compressed version of your image isn’t under 20 KB, you can re-compress the compressed image to further reduce its file size.
Some image optimizer tools on the web also allow you to enter the desired file size so that you can compress your photos to a particular file size.
Q3. How will the image look before and after compression?
A. Wondering how your image will look after optimization?
Don’t worry, our image compression tool, TinyImage, doesn’t affect the quality of your image files. It only helps you reduce their file sizes.
For example, look at the screenshot below to see the result:

As you can see, the quality of the image before and after compression looks unaltered.
Q4. What is the best image compressor?
A. Our image compression tool, TinyImage, is the best image optimizer.
You don’t need to download and install any software. You can easily access it using a web browser and compress your PNG and JPG/JPEG images online.
And, it’s free to use.
Q5. What if I want to compress more than ten images?
A. If you want to compress unlimited images in bulk, follow the steps below:
- Click on the “Interested in an Unlimited & Bulk Plan?” button.
- Enter your name and email address.
- Click on the “Submit” button.
We are currently offering a free plan only. But if you submit your details and encourage us to introduce a Premium plan which will allow you to compress unlimited images in bulk, we’ll launch it soon! And keep you posted. ;)
Q6. How can I reduce the MB of a photo?
A. You can easily reduce the MB of a photo by using our image compression tool - TinyImage here. It’s easy to use as you just need to select or drag and drop your image file. Our online image compressor will take care of the rest.
Once the compressed version of your photo is ready to download, click on the “Download All Images” button.
Q7. Have other questions?
A. Get in touch with us using the contact form.
Without further ado, select your images and compress them with TinyImage.