Email Marketing

How to End a Newsletter: 11 Great Tips for Email Sign-Offs

Thinking about creating a newsletter for your business? When done right, newsletters are a fantastic way to gather valuable data and drive consumer engagement. However, the end of your newsletter isn't any less vital than the start.

In fact, if done right, newsletter sign-offs can set your emails apart from the numerous emails in any average person’s inbox.

With over 361 billion emails sent and received per day, you can imagine how difficult it is to make your emails stand out. Creative newsletter sign-offs give you an extra edge in this regard.

So how should you end a newsletter in a way that makes an impact on your email recipients?

In this article, we'll share tips on how to end a newsletter and create memorable sign-offs that increase reader engagement.

What Is a Newsletter?

Let's start with the basics—what is a newsletter?

Simply put, it's a curated collection of email content that you send to your email subscribers. This could include updates about your company, new product announcements, or any useful content they may be interested in.

The main idea is to captivate customers or prospects and encourage them to purchase your goods or services. So, a mixture of interesting content and product news will usually work best.

For the best results, a newsletter should contain compelling content accompanied by great images.

Also, ensure that you have permission from recipients to avoid breaching GDPR or similar regulations. This builds trust and ensures compliance with data protection laws.

11 Tips on How to End a Newsletter

While most people are confident about starting their newsletter with exciting news, many struggle with how to end it effectively. The conclusion is your final chance to make a lasting impression and deserves equal consideration.

Checking out newsletter ideas from other companies can help you design your newsletters and newsletter sign-offs.

To get you started, we have curated a list of some of the best ways to end a newsletter. Let’s get started.

1. End on a High Note

Although it’s important to start your newsletter with hot news, save the best for last.

Your audience should still be reading when they reach the end. Choose a piece of attention-grabbing content (and hint at it at the start) to ensure your newsletter is engaging from beginning to end.

To do so, follow these tips:

  • Tease future content: Mention what’s coming next. This builds anticipation and encourages readers to stay subscribed.
  • Use humor or wit: Ending your newsletter on a lighthearted note can create a memorable experience for your email recipients.
  • Pose a question: Ask a thought-provoking question to leave readers thinking and ready to engage.

Shift nails this strategy by hinting at exciting updates and keeping the audience curious about what’s next. This is a great example for you to take inspiration from.

Image via Really Good Emails

It feels personal and conversational, leaving readers excited and eager for future newsletters without giving everything away too soon. Drawing inspiration from other newsletters, you can find effective methods for holding readers' attention and engaging them longer.

2. Encourage Further Engagement

The second tip in this guide on how to end a newsletter is to ask your email recipients to engage with your brand further.

You could ask them to share feedback, participate in polls, or create user-generated content related to your brand or products.

Invite your readers to share feedback or stories about how they’re using your products or services. This is a great way to make your readers feel connected to your company.

Also, it can produce user-generated content for upcoming newsletters, making it a powerful marketing tool.

Here are some ways to boost engagement.

  • Surveys or polls: Include quick surveys to gather customer feedback. This way, readers will be engaged and provide valuable insights.
  • Feature reader content: Promise to highlight reader contributions in future newsletters, encouraging more interaction.

Look at HubSpot's sign-off and note how it expressly invites readers to provide feedback, challenges, and thoughts. A simple promise like “every single one will be read” sets a connection with their audience.

Image via Really Good Emails

This is an excellent example of encouraging participation and demonstrating that the business values its customers’ opinions.

3. Show Your Brand Personality in Your Sign-Off

Don’t just rely on email signature generators to create boring sign-offs. Go beyond using just your name—infuse your sign-off with your brand’s personality.

Whether your tone is formal or fun, your sign-off should reflect your brand’s voice and values, making your conclusion memorable.

Here are some tips to create a branded sign-off:

  • Reflect your brand’s tone: Whatever way you end a newsletter, ensure that your tone remains consistent and aligns with your brand’s overall tone and image. Formal brands might use “Sincerely,” while casual brands can add a touch of humor.
  • Use a tagline or catchphrase: Reinforce your brand message with a slogan like “Stay curious!” or a playful line like “Happy cooking!” for a food business.
  • Tailor to your audience: Adjust the tone based on who’s receiving the newsletter—use friendly sign-offs for loyal subscribers and more formal ones for newer ones.

For instance, uses a simple and playful sign-off tagline, “Don't be confused. Be”. This line reflects the brand’s mission to simplify choices while staying lighthearted.

Image via Really Good Emails

4. Include a Call to Action (CTA)

It's not a secret that boosting engagement is one of your newsletter's primary goals. One smart approach would be to close it with a call to action, ideally a CTA button.

However, feel free to include CTAs in your newsletter’s body as well. You can add multiple CTAs to your email newsletters, but adding one to end a newsletter is extremely important.

This gives the recipients something to do after reading the email and keeps them engaged even after they’ve read and closed your email newsletter.

Here are some CTA ideas for your newsletter.

  • Encourage next steps: Tell them what to do next, such as check out your latest products or participate in an ongoing contest or giveaway. Examples include “See what’s new” or “Enter our prize draw.”
  • Ask for feedback: asking questions like “How did we do?” or “Tell us what you think” are great ways to gather input.
  • Invite interaction: Use a CTA to direct readers to your social channels or website.

Including a clear CTA encourages readers to take action after finishing the newsletter, driving further interaction with your brand.

Here, Canva uses a fun call to action by inviting users to join a design challenge. It’s a simple, engaging way to prompt interaction while keeping the tone casual and motivating.

Image via Really Good Emails

5. Make It Easy to Stay in Touch

One of the best ways to end a newsletter is to simply share your contact details and keep the channel of communication open between you and your email subscribers.

Ideally, you should use an email address that allows people to respond to your emails. However, if that’s not an option, you can always provide the contact email where people can connect with you.

Also, encourage your email recipients to follow your brand on social media.

Here are some tips for encouraging continued communication.

  • Add contact info: Make your email and phone number visible for easy communication.
  • Include social media links: Use buttons to direct readers to your social profiles.
  • Offer multiple channels: Provide different ways for readers to reach you, from email to chat services.

Providing multiple ways to get in touch encourages interaction and helps keep the conversation going beyond the inbox. In addition, including a social media tracker can help you monitor and refine your strategy.

For example, Google’s sign-off makes it super easy to connect by offering clear options like chat, call, or email. It’s simple and approachable, giving users quick ways to reach out whenever they need help, ensuring the conversation stays open.

Image via Really Good Emails

6. Leverage Emotional Triggers in Your Sign-Off

The next tip in this guide on how to end a newsletter is using emotional triggers.

Ending your newsletter on an emotional note will leave a lasting impact on your readers, without a doubt. As a result, you will stand out and stay on top of their minds longer.

Emotional triggers are a powerful tool in strengthening the bond between your brand and your target audience.

Here are some ways to use emotional triggers to end a newsletter.

  • Gratitude: It’s always a great idea to end a newsletter with a heartfelt thank-you message to show your appreciation.
  • Inspiration: Leave your readers with an inspiring quote or motivational statement.
  • Curiosity: Stir curiosity by hinting at something exciting coming up in your next newsletter.

This tactic works well when you want to evoke a positive emotional response, leaving readers with a favorable impression of your brand.

Take note of how Plus-Plus leverages emotional triggers by expressing gratitude to readers for helping kids empower via play. They foster a strong emotional bond as they emphasize imagination and independent thought.

Image via Really Good Emails

As a result, readers are left with a favorable impression and a feeling of purpose.

7. Highlight Social Proof

Another great way to end a newsletter is by providing social information about how great your brand is.

Ending a newsletter with social proof keeps it interesting. It gives readers real examples, making the message feel more trustworthy. It’s a simple way to build confidence and leave a positive impression before they click away.

Some ways you can use social proof in your sign-off are:

  • Feature feedback: Share positive feedback from happy customers to end your newsletter and build trust in your brand.
  • User-generated content: Highlight user-generated content, like an Instagram post featuring your product.
  • Customer milestones: If you've recently hit a milestone—like a customer count—mention it as a subtle form of social proof.

Adding a final piece of social proof reinforces trust in your brand and encourages readers to take action.

The coffee store Comeeter adds a personal touch by sharing real customer reviews to end their newsletter. These testimonials highlight positive experiences, building trust and showing how others love the product.

It feels genuine and therefore encourages new readers to give it a try themselves.

Image via Really Good Emails

8. Experiment with Humor

Adding some humor to your newsletter's conclusion will make it stick in people's minds longer. Even one lighthearted, but cleverly timed joke or remark can add wit and make your brand image look more approachable.

There are numerous ways to use humor to end a newsletter. Let’s check these out.

  • Keep it relevant: The humor should align with your brand’s tone and content. A witty pun or humorous CTA can work well for a more casual brand.
  • Be authentic: Don’t force the humor. If it fits naturally within your brand’s voice, it can be a powerful tool. Otherwise, skip it.
  • Test reactions: Use A/B testing to gauge how well your audience responds to humor in your sign-offs.

Humor can create a strong emotional connection and make your newsletters stand out from the competition.

Here, Fable’s sign-off, “Sit, stay (in touch)”, uses humor that aligns perfectly with their pet brand. It’s fun and memorable and makes the brand feel approachable, helping them stand out in a casual and friendly way.

Image via Really Good Emails

9. Include a Thought-Provoking Question or Reflection

End your newsletter with a thought-provoking question or reflective statement to leave your readers pondering after they’ve read your email. This can pique interest or inspire reflection, leading to a more thorough acquaintance with your brand.

As questions invite responses, this is a fantastic tactic for brands trying to boost user interaction.

Here are some tips on how to end a newsletter with a question or reflection.

  • Industry-related questions: Ask a question that gets your readers thinking about industry-specific topics or the latest trends. For example, “What’s the biggest challenge you're facing in [your industry] right now? Let us know!”
  • Individual thought: To promote personal interaction, use a thought-provoking statement or question like “What's one thing you've learned from this newsletter?”
  • Encourage feedback: Ask for their opinion or feedback with a simple question like, “What did you think of this month's tips? We’d love to hear from you!”

Adding a question or reflective statement in your sign-off leaves readers with something to think about, increasing the chances they’ll engage further or respond directly.

Take a look at the way Rdio keeps things interesting by asking, “Which station will you listen to first?”

It’s an easy and fun way to get readers thinking. Then, they add, “Love these stations? Let us know” making a personal connection with the recipient.

Image via Really Good Emails

10. Test and Improve

Want to know what resonates with your readers? Test your sign-offs using email marketing tools that allow A/B testing.

Different audiences respond to different tones, so don't be afraid to experiment. Try various approaches—some readers may enjoy a friendly, personal sign-off, while others may respond better to a more formal close.

A/B testing is a great way to measure which sign-offs work best. You can test variations in tone, wording, or calls to action. For example, try one version with a humorous close and another with a straightforward message. Compare the open and click-through rates to see which version performs better.

Once you gather data, make adjustments based on what drives engagement. If a particular sign-off results in more clicks, consider refining that style and applying it to future newsletters. In the end, it's about finding what works best for your target audience.

It's okay to go over your sign-offs again and again. A strategy that is effective now might need to be adjusted later because tastes and preferences change over time.

Even some gradual improvements can result in notable increases in readers' interaction with your content. This, in turn, will increase the impact of your newsletters.

11. Make it Personal

Connect with your subscribers on a deeper level by adding a personalized touch to your newsletter sign-off.

This helps put a human face to your brand and makes them feel like the email is from a real person and not an inanimate brand.

Here are some tips to end a newsletter on a personal note.

  • Add Your Picture: Instead of sending emails from a generic account, make sure a specific person within your company sends it. Include their headshot in the sign-off to let people know the email is from a real person.
  • Use a Handwritten Signature: Adding to the previous point, you can also use the person’s real handwritten signature to add a personal touch.
  • Add a Personal Note From the Founder: Add a founder’s note at the end to leave people with a niche, personal message.

Check out this newsletter example by Rhode Beauty where the email ends with a founder’s personal note.

Image via Really Good Emails


Q1. What makes a good newsletter sign-off?

A. A solid sign-off is the one that sticks in readers' minds and matches your brand voice. 

Formal or casual, it should echo your overall message and include a clear next step. Your focus should be on getting readers to take action, like checking out your site or following you on social media.

Q2. How important is personalization in a newsletter sign-off?

A. Personalization connects you with readers. Using their name or yours adds a friendly and light touch. Tailored sign-offs like these often boost open and click rates because readers feel valued.

Q3. How can I make my call to action more effective?

A. Go for simple and clear calls to action. Try specific prompts like “Shop our latest trends” or “Give us your feedback” to guide readers. Visual design counts too—a button in a different color can catch the eye.

Q4. How often should I send out newsletters?

A. Stick to a schedule. While there is no single formula for success, weekly or monthly newsletters work well for many. Play around with different timings and watch engagement to find what clicks with your audience without overwhelming them.

Q5. What should I avoid in my newsletter sign-off?

A. Skip generic closings like “Best” or “Regards.” Also, don't throw too much information at your readers. Keep your sign-off short, clear, and in tune with your newsletter's tone.

Final Thoughts

Your newsletter forms a connection between you and your customers. The way you end a newsletter determines how long the message stays in people’s minds and whether they take any next steps.

Using calls to action is a great way to end a newsletter as it drives further engagement. Leaving people with a thought-provoking question or an emotional statement is also a great way to end a newsletter.

With all these tips in mind, you're guaranteed to craft sign-offs that will keep your audience engaged and hungry for more.

Need help running successful email marketing campaigns? Leverage our email marketing services to get the best ROI from email marketing.

Nicci Rae

Nicci Rae was born in Barrow In Furness and now lives in Harrow. She is the author of "Beth Green Mad Bess Wood”, “Leave Me Cold”, and “Paper Cuts”. Nicci was shortlisted for The Reading Agency's 2014 short story competition and currently hosts a weekly show on Harrow Community Radio.

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