The Most Accurate AI Content Detector Tool by Attrock

Use this AI Content Detector to identify content generated by ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.
It gives accurate results and is trusted by businesses worldwide.

Simply add the content in the box below and it will give you an analysis of whether it's AI-written or human-written content.

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Why Should You Choose Our AI Content
Detector Tool?

With so many AI text detector tools out there, each giving different results, it's understandable to question the accuracy of such tools.
Here are some features that make Attrock's AI Content Detector stand out and why you should choose it.

How to Spot AI Content with AI Content Detector


Add the content you
want to analyze.


Click on the "Analyze
Text" button.


Get an analysis with AI
content highlighted.

Use Cases for the AI Content Detector

Given the wide adoption of generative AI, it's becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between human and AI content. Our AI content
detector can help you do that. Here are some real-life use cases where this tool will be useful.

Academic Authenticity

Attrock's AI Content Detector
can spot AI content even when
it's interspersed with
human-written content.

AI Source Code Detection

The AI Content Detector can
identify security issues and
licensing violations by detecting
the AI-generated code.

100% Complete Data Security

Your data will always be safe
when you use our AI Content
Detector. So, you don't need to
worry about data security.

Using only human-written, authentic content is a good practice that every publisher should follow, and this tool can help with that.

Features and Contributions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is an AI content detector tool?

A.An AI content detector tool analyzes content to check whether it's written by a human or an AI. It uses technologies like machine learning and natural language processing to do that.

While it's impossible to say with 100% certainty that a piece of content is generated by AI, AI detectors give a fair estimate. Most AI detection tools give a percentage of human versus AI content within a piece.

Q2. Why do you need to detect AI-generated content?

A. AI content is typically of lower quality than human content and most publishers don't want to publish it on their websites. This is especially true for websites that accept guest posts and don't know whether a writer has submitted high-quality human content or low-quality AI content.

That's where our AI content checker can help you spot AI-generated text. You can use this free tool to detect AI content in the articles submitted by a freelancer or guest author.

Q3. Which is the best free AI content detector tool?

A. There are many AI content detector tools in the market, some free and some paid. If you're looking for an accurate tool that's completely free, then Attrock's AI content detector is a great option.

It detects AI content with a high accuracy and can help you spot AI content, even if it's used sparingly within human content. Ensure the authenticity of all content you publish, using this free, easy-to-use AI checker.

Q4. How can an AI content detector spot AI content?

A. An AI detector tool analyzes the language and structure of content to identify trends and patterns that are typically present in human language. They then calculate the probabilities of a piece of content being written by a human or an AI.

AI content detector tools can also analyze other aspects of content, such as tone, voice, complexity, word choices, and more. These also contribute to the analysis and help these tools accurately spot AI content.

Q5. Have other questions?

A. Get in touch with our team using the contact form in case you have any questions related to this tool or any of Attrock's other tools and services.

Ready to test whether your content is of high quality and written by a human? Start
using Attrock's AI Content Detector tool today.

Accurately Spot AI Content and Human
Content with Attrock's AI Content Detector

Use this tool to quickly identify AI content, even if it's paraphrased or interspersed with human content. Ensure you publish 100%
human content using our AI Content Detector.

Start using it to check every piece of content you publish on your website.

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