What is Link Building?
Link building is the process of obtaining links from other websites to relevant pages on your site. Search engines use these links to scan through the web to find new pages and to determine where they should rank in search results.
How Does Link Building Help?
Links provide a way to navigate between different internal and external pages and therefore help to find authority documents on any subject. Building high-quality links are important for your business due to the following reasons:
1. Links help search engines crawl through the website and extract content. The volume and quality of your links are important factors in deciding your rankings.
2. Links act as a medium of referrals for your website. Links coming from a trusted website will not only help you with search engine rankings but also strengthen your branding efforts.
3. Better links will help establish your website’s authority in your field and help you reach your business objectives.
Our Process
Our link building process starts with surveying your business and your prevailing competition in the market. This is to ensure that your backlink profile aligns with the nature of your business.
We conduct comprehensive research to look for potential websites from which you can get backlinks. We then analyze these websites for relevance and authority to ensure that you only get links from high authority sites that are relevant to your business.
The next step is creating unique and valuable content that offers an in-depth analysis of the topic and drives traffic. Finally, we prepare a comprehensive report with keywords, pageranks, link URLs, etc.
Our Quality Parameters
Parameters for securing links ensure the following:
✷ Links are from industry-relevant pages
✷ No “flash” embedded links
✷ No paid or time-bound links
✷ No email spam used to solicit links
✷ No links from link farms
✷ No links from FFA (Free-For-All) link networks
✷ No links from pornographic sites or sites containing offensive content