The numerous benefits of retargeting make it a valuable strategy for both marketers and businesses.

Persistence is a crucial trait in business. Not everyone who visits your shop or ecommerce website will be ready to make a purchase immediately.

Before a prospective lead turns into a customer, you may need to re-engage them multiple times.

That’s where retargeting and its benefits come into the picture. It is the process of showing targeted ads to website visitors who leave your site without making a purchase.

Regardless of the type of business you run, retargeting has numerous benefits and can be a handy tool in your marketing funnel to boost conversions. If you are still not running retargeting campaigns, read this to learn about the benefits of retargeting.

Why Should You Do Retargeting?

Here are five very compelling benefits of retargeting to convince you to leverage it.

Get More Brand Recognition

One of the biggest benefits of retargeting is brand recognition. We live in a world where people are constantly bombarded with new information, especially virtually. As a brand, you’re competing directly with other brands’ advertisements and your target audience’s friends and family to get their attention.

In such clutter, it’s easy for them to forget about your products or services even if they liked them.

Some of the benefits of retargeting include providing an opportunity to gently remind them to check out your products again. This builds brand awareness. When they see an advertisement from your brand, preferably of a product they checked out earlier, they are more likely to click on it.

Get More Brand Recognition

Image via Wishpond

One of the biggest benefits of retargeting here is that you can get visibility across different channels as well. You can run retargeting campaigns for mobile devices, the web, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, or other channels.

Win Over Your Audience

Some people may have seen your product and may have loved it. However, the only thing that may be stopping them from hitting the “Buy” button is a lack of trust in your brand. They may have never heard of it before or may not be sure if the products are worth it.

In such a scenario, showing retargeted advertisements that contain testimonials can work wonders.

It gives them social proof that other people trust your brand and are even happy using your products. Ultimately, these retargeted advertisements can help them move further in the sales funnel. Such benefits of retargeting make it a necessary strategy.

Forget About Abandoned Carts

When you’re shopping online, there can be dozens of distractions around. Maybe you got a phone call or you needed to attend to your kid — whatever the case, there is a chance you might have left an abandoned shopping cart before completing the purchase.

As a marketer, it’s not necessarily your fault that you lost a potential customer. It’s just bad timing. However, not all is lost. You can still get back in the game and score a sale and that’s one of the biggest benefits of retargeting.

With retargeting, you can gently nudge such leads without being too promotional. With useful and smart writing for content, you can effectively remind users to complete their purchase. Offering special discounts in your retargeted ads can also encourage them to finalize the transaction.

Note how BOOM by Cindy Joseph is taking advantage of the benefits of retargeting.

Forget About Abandoned Carts

Image via Shopify

Get an Opportunity to Cross-sell

Let’s say a user makes a purchase — that’s a win for you. However, your marketing efforts shouldn’t stop at that point. You’re only beginning to build a relationship with them. After they’ve made a purchase, you should make sure you stay connected with them.

One of the best benefits of retargeting is that it lets you do so with ease. All you have to do is show them a retargeted advertisement related to something they purchased. For instance, if they purchased an eyeliner, you may want to cross-sell other eye makeup products like a mascara or eye shadow.

Such complementary products may draw their interest and get them to make a purchase again. If you want to boost your retention rate, this marketing strategy can be a real winner! All in all, it can maximize brand loyalty and improve your customer lifetime value.

Keep Your Customers Engaged

This retargeting benefit extends the one we discussed above. After they have made a purchase, you should ensure that your customers don’t forget about your brand.

According to a 2024 survey by Invespcro, 26% of customers usually return to a site they previously checked out after retargeting. If you utilize this well you could increase your sales significantly.


Image via Invespcro

You can retarget them through discounts or product launches to keep them engaged. It’s like a constant reminder of what value you can provide them. By reiterating that message repeatedly, you can get them to make repeat purchases. And this is one of the major benefits of retargeting.


Q1. What are the benefits of retargeting? 

A. There are many benefits of retargeting. It boosts brand awareness, keeping your brand top of mind for people who’ve already visited your site, interacted with your brand or shown interest in your offerings. Even if users don’t immediately convert, repeated exposure to your ads builds trust and boosts conversion rates.

Q2. What are the benefits of remarketing?

A. One of the benefits of retargeting and remarketing is it t helps you maximize your ad budget. Instead of casting a wide net, you're only targeting people who’ve already shown interest in your business. Retargeting also increases the likelihood of converting those visitors into actual customers.

Q3. What is the difference between remarketing and retargeting? 

A. The key difference between remarketing and retargeting are in the channels used. Remarketing focuses on reaching people through email or other direct channels after they've engaged with your brand. In contrast, retargeting involves displaying online ads to individuals who have visited your site or interacted with your content.

Q4. What is the value of retargeting?

A. The value and benefits of retargeting lies in keeping your brand visible to people who’ve already shown interest. For example, one of the benefits of retargeting is to remind potential customers of your product and offerings. Retargeting boosts ROI by focusing ads on individuals who’ve engaged with your site, making your ads more effective and efficient.

Q5. What is the power of retargeting?

A. The power of retargeting is its ability to reconnect with people who’ve already shown interest. This increases the chances of conversion and lets you stay on top of people’s minds, so you can reach more people.

Make More Moolah

From the discussion above, it is pretty evident that the benefits of retargeting can’t be ignored. They get you more leads in your marketing funnel. In addition to this, its major benefits include helping you win audience trust, keep them engaged, and even cross-sell to them.

As a result, it works like a domino effect — you get more conversions, sell more products, and overall make more money. And who doesn’t like more money?

If you are still not running a retargeting campaign to grow your business, it’s time to get started now!

Do you have any questions about the benefits of retargeting mentioned above? Ask them in the comments.